Canary Wharf have partnered with Penguin Books to provide free accessible literature from an exciting array of authors. Originally launched as part of our South Asian Heritage Month activities, the current collection spotlights authors of South Asian Heritage.
From non-fiction exploring why it’s time Britain was honest with itself about empire, to a fun fictional take on arranged marriage, our machines are packed with stories from an array of exciting authors. At the touch of a button, you can print a one, three, or five-minute-long extract from the below authors, all for free:
Empireworld by Sathnam Sanghera
Say You’ll Be My Jaan by Naina Kumar
Knife by Salman Rushdie
The Girlfriend Act by Safa Ahmed
Brotherless Night by V. V. Ganeshananthan
Race and Education by Kalwant Bhopal
The Feel Good Fix by Lavina Mehta MBE
For more information on each of the books and their authors, head to Penguin Books.
Recommended reading age 16+ years.
Some extracts contain racially motivated subject matter that may be upsetting to readers.